Let's go through the Audition default workspace 1 and it's convenient wheel modes for Loupedeck CT.
Most of the recording and editing functions are located in the first workspace of the default Audition profile provided. With Loupedeck CT, many of the recording functions are conveniently right on the Wheel. There are in total 8 different Wheel pages for this recording and editing workspace.
Moving the playhead on Multitrack view
There are several ways to move the playhead on Multitrack view – there are many different rotation actions for this.
• Zoom-dependent moves. The rotation action of the first wheel page of Workspace 1 moves the playhead, and the size of the movement “step” depends on the zoom state: when the view is zoomed in, movement gets finer, and when the view is zoomed out, the moves are bigger. This uses an action called Jog (which you can find in the Loupedeck configuration software and assign where it works better for you, if you wish). If you wish to move the playhead by one frame, for example, zoom in close enough, and
moves will be one frame.
• Shuttle rotation action moves the playhead using Audition’s shuttle actions, increasing or decreasing the play speed each time that a shuttle action is used. You can find this as the
rotation action on the fourth wheel of this workspace. Shuttle commands are also available as press actions on that wheel.
Bigger playhead moves on Multitrack view
See page 1 for dials on Workspace 1: it allows for even bigger playhead moves.
Move Playhead Page moves the playhead by pages. Move Playhead To Next/Previous stops at the start and end point of every clip as well as at every marker (adding markers as well as a dedicated marker wheel are explained later in this section). Move Playhead To Marker moves the playhead from a marker to another.
Selection wheelThere is also a wheel that can be used to highlight a region. To highlight a region, rotate the wheel while holding Fn. If Fn is not held down, this wheel moves the playhead without creating a selection. This wheel also contains several press actions that are useful in conjunction with selecting clips and regions. To highlight a new region after one is already highlighted, just move the playhead out of the highlighted range with the wheel and rotate the wheel with Fn to make a new selection.
Adjust selection in/out points
Adjusting selection in and out points can be done with the dial actions on dial page 3. In addition to these, there are press actions for Adjust In Point To Beginning/End/Left/Right and Adjust Out Point To Beginning/End/Left/Right via the configuration software.
Scrolling is on the second wheel. Its press actions are Scroll Page Left/Right; tapping these moves the view by pages. There are two scrolling rotation actions: Scroll and Scroll Page. The former scrolls the view by very small moves, and the latter by pages. The latter has been assigned to the wheel in the factory profile.
Select a track
To select a track, use the Select Track dial on top right of dial page 1 (this, too, you can freely assign elsewhere).
Playing your project
On the wheel, you will see a play/toggle push action. Playing always starts from the location of the playhead. There are separate play and stop actions as well as a play/stop toggle available via the configuration software, should you want to use them.
The first wheel of workspace 1 offers both toggling the record mode (between the three states seen in the pic) as well as activating recording. These both can also be accessed by pressing Fn + A/B.
Selection actions
On the factory profile, you will find Select All, Select All Clips In Selected Track, Select All Time and Select Current View Time actions for quicker selection for large ranges. However, there is a wide variety of specific selection actions available via the configuration software, so do a search for “select” for everything that is available (see pic).
CT offers several ways of zooming in Audition. Most zooming actions are already in the profile. Feel free to customize their locations. On dial page 1, you will see horizontal zooming and vertical zooming (track height) as rotation controls. As they are needed often, they are on the first page (they could be anywhere – even on the wheel).
TIP: Pressing down on horizontal zooming resets zooming to a fully zoomed-out state.
Zoom Selected Track is the press action of the top right dial of page 1 (Select Track) – even though it cannot be seen, because the text shows the rotation action name. Page 2 offers Zoom To Selection as a press action, and there, you will also find Zoom In At In Point and Zoom In At Out Point as press actions.There is also a Zoom Out Full action available.
Deleting a highlighted range
A quick way to delete the selected range and material is to use the trashcan icon (delete).
There is also a dedicated Delete page on this workspace for more specific deletions.
TIP: Clicking Keyboard + 7 (Mac) / Keyboard + 7/8 (PC) is a very quick way to delete what is selected. This always works regardless of the workspace you are in. Note that when you click on 7/8 while holding down the keyboard button, it acts as a modifier, and CT will not enter keyboard state.
Delete actions
The fifth touch page presents various delete and discard actions.
Looping a region
First highlight a region and then press the loop icon. It has been pre-assigned to the first wheel in this workspace (press action).
Looping a clip
First highlight a region and then press the loop icon. It is on touch pad page 1.
Working with markers
This Workspace offers a whole touch pad page (seventh touch page) dedicated to marker actions. Different markers can be added, merged, and deleted.
There is also an action for exporting marker ranges and inserting the selected range markers into a playlist.
Toggling snap to markers can be activated, and there is a Rename Markers action available via the configuration software.
TIP: Do a search for “marker” in the configuration software for both Press and Rotation actions to see everything that is available.
Moving between markers With CT, it is very convenient to use Markers as points in your song on Multitrack view and quickly move between them. For example, you can have locators on intro, bridge, drop, etc. and easily switch between the different sections. Moving between Markers is easy with Move Playhead To Marker rotation action.
There is a wheel dedicated to markers: as its rotation action, it moves between markers (you can also use the press actions as seen on the wheel), and adding cue markers and deleting the selected marker have been assigned as the press actions. For convenient deletion, just use the wheel to move to a desired marker and press the Delete Selected Markers to delete it.
Moving a clip
There are different ways to move a clip. E.g., when a clip is selected, you can use Nudge and Nudge 5 controls (dial page 2) to move a clip by one frame or five frames, respectively.
Also, when a cursor is placed on a clip’s header, you can use the Horizontal tool (see pic) to move it left and right (you can find it on the wheel, but it could be used on a dial, too). Just place the cursor on a clip and rotate the wheel once Horizontal is selected. This action emulates left mouseclick + dragging left/right. There are also Nudge Up/Down/Left/Right actions available (nudging up and down moves the clip to another track).
Changing clip length with the wheel
The same above-mentioned Horizontal mouse tool on the wheel can be used to edit clip length. First place the cursor on the clip edge, and then rotate the wheel or dial with Horizontal tool to set clip length. If clip stretching is activated, this can be used to stretch the clip (you will find the Toggle Clip Stretching “clock” icon on touch pad page 1).
Adjusting automation points
Automation points can be easily moved horizontally and vertically with the Horizontal and Vertical mouse tools: just place the cursor on the automation point and use the desired tool to move the point.
Renaming a clip
A Rename action can be found via the configuration software.
Muting clips
There is a mute action for muting the selected clips.
Moving a track vertically (sorting tracks)
The top right dial of Dial page 2 is can be used to move the selected track up and down.
Toggle Snapping
General Toggle Snapping is on Workspace 5. Also, there are several specific Toggle Snap To actions available: Toggle Snap To Clips, Frames, Loops, Markers, Ruler, Ruler Fine, and Zero Crossings. Find those on touch pad page 6.
Cursor tools
Find different cursor tools on touch pad page 3. The available tools are Move, Razor Selected Clips, Slip, Time Selection, Marquee, Lasso, Paintbrush and Healing Brush. There is also wheel in this workspace to demonstrate that you can have your most often accessed cursor tools on a wheel.
Shuttle Left/Right
Shuttle Left/Right actions to control playback speed as well as shuttle stop are available. Find them in a wheel on this workspace.
Multi-tool wheel
The last wheel of this workspace is a multi-tool wheel. It contains lots of rotationbased actions such as scrolling, zooming etc. in one list. You choose the tool by swiping up and down and rotate the wheel to do the selected action. This can be a very helpful wheel type, as you can have your most-used actions in one list.
The wheel in this workspace probably has too many actions in one list, but it is there to hopefully trigger some usage thoughts and show you the power it can have. Familiarize yourself with it and customize it to your liking!
Brush size and opacity
There are tools for changing brush size and opacity. These are available as both press and rotation actions.The factory profile location for the press actions for brush is on touch pad page 3. The rotation actions are on dial page 4.
Zoom frequency