How is (Win) Capture One beta integration done and why
Currently Capture One integration on Windows works using keyboard shortcuts where most of our other integrations work via the internal support (SDK / API) made by the software manufacturer.
Unfortunately using keyboard shortcuts is not completely seamless. For example, changing exposure from 0,1 to 0,7 appears as six separate keyboard shortcut commands on the history instead of just one “exposure +0,6” -notification. On some slower computers turning "exposure dial" fast equals on sending multiple shortcuts really fast and might show up as slowness on the computer.
Why even publish a Beta version?
Years ago Capture One support was one of the most popular requests. Releasing a beta-support software made it possible to gather feedback and gave valuable experience of how Capture One users work.
Why Capture One plugin for macOS is no longer a beta version?
In 2020 Capture One released an AppleScript API for controlling Capture One's macOS version. This communication method between third party systems (such as Loupedeck) and Capture One is not available on Windows enviroment (therefor Windows support still works solely on beta-level, with keyboard shortcuts).
Loupedeck's Capture One integration (for macOS) has been rewritten to support AppleScript API, which allows more flexible ways to control Capture One. AppleScript API also makes possible for Loupedeck to utilize some functions which are not even available via shortcuts (e.g. resetting slider values back to zero).