This update includes numerous improvements to the Custom Actions, improvements and changes to the Photoshop-plugin and updated translations in the Loupedeck UI
Released versions (64-bit builds)
- Windows 10 and later:
- macOS 10.15 and later:
Hardware Support (UI)
- Loupedeck CT
- Loupedeck Live
- Loupedeck Live S
- Loupedeck+
- Razer Stream Controller
- Razer Stream Controller X
Software Support (macOS & Windows)
- Ableton Live 11 & 12
- Adobe After Effects
- Adobe Audition
- Adobe Lightroom Classic
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Premiere Pro (2021 or newer)
- Capture One
- Spotify Premium
- OBS Studio (v28.0 or later)
- Philips Hue (Bridge)
+ Many more plugins available at the Loupedeck Marketplace
Software Support (macOS only)
- Final Cut Pro
- macOS desktop support
Software Support (Windows only)
- Streamlabs Desktop
- vMix
- Windows desktop support
- Updated the Windows & Mac default profiles on Loupedeck CT, Live, Razer Stream Controller & Stream Controller X by replacing Spotify actions with media and volume actions.
- This is because the Spotify plugin is no longer included in the Loupedeck software installer but is available on the Marketplace.
- Updated the software end-user license agreement to the new ownership “LOGITECH EUROPE S.A.”. Please read the updated EULA here.
- Enhanced the localization of the Loupedeck user interface by updating translations.
- Removed the old Mouse action folders from System Actions and introduced new Mouse Custom Actions in their place:
- Mouse Click, Mouse Scroll and Move Mouse Cursor
- Redesigned the Multi-action (Macro) custom action.
- Redesigned the Multi-toggle custom action.
- Reordered the plugins displayed in the action panel for better organization and accessibility.
- Reorganized the custom actions and updated the names of some custom actions to be more descriptive.
- “Sound” custom action is now called “Play Sound”, “Web Page” is now called “Open Web Page”, “Text” is “Paste Text” and “Run” is “Run Command”.
- Improved the functionality of the Character action by renaming it to "Paste Unicode Character" and relocating it from OS-actions to Custom Actions for a more user-friendly experience.
- Added a hover effect on the icon preview in the action editor.
- Removed the Text - action in the Desktop - actions as there is now a similar custom action “Paste Text” available.
- A notification will pop up when a user installs a profile that is not specifically designed for their console.
- An empty profile will be created by default if no default profile exists for the installed application.
- The User Interface (UI) and Add-on Manager now display the plugin version with four numbers, if available.
- Rephrased some of the analytics descriptions in the device settings.
- Improved and updated the way analytics are collected and stored.
Ableton Live
- Added support for Ableton Live 12 application
- Updated the required Loupedeck software version to 5.9
- Removed Spotify Plugin from the main software installer. The plugin is available for download in the Loupedeck Marketplace.
- Updated the required Loupedeck software version to 5.9
- Plugin upgraded to utilize Photoshop API v.2
- Multiple menu-item actions upgraded to use the API
- Action names updated: three dots removed from action names
- Multiple menu-item actions upgraded to use the API
- Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) has been disabled for now (more info: here)
- Default profiles have been updated for Loupedeck CT, Live, and Live S devices
- Displaying values for compatible adjustments on the device has been implemented.
- Enabled for e.g. Tool Size and Tool Opacity
- Preliminary support added for 30 actions (not visible yet)
- Updated the required Loupedeck software version to 5.9
- New action support:
- Deselect (API v.2 support)
- Inverse Selection (API v.2 support)
- Remove Tool
- Actions renamed to match Photoshop’s naming convention (part 1):
- 3D Material Drop (Tool) -> 3D Material Eyedropper Tool
- Adjust: Contrast -> Contrast (adj. layer)
- Adjust: Saturation -> Saturation (adj. layer)
- Art Brush (Tool) -> Art History Brush Tool
- Bucket (Tool) -> Paint Bucket Tool
- Direct Select (Tool) -> Direct Selection Tool
- Paint Brush (Tool) -> Brush Tool
- Path Component Select (Tool) -> Path Selection Tool
- Quick Select (Tool) -> Quick Selection Tool
- Rotate (Tool) -> Rotate View Tool
- Spot Healing (Tool) -> Spot Healing Brush Tool
- Type (Tool) -> Horizontal Type Tool
- Type Mask (Tool) -> Horizontal Type Mask Tool
- Type Vertical (Tool) -> Vertical Type Tool
- Zoom: Fit On Screen -> Fit On Screen
- Action group and subgroup structure has been updated
- First patch of actions has been reorganized to correct groups
- UXP’s version-number added to “Connect Loupedeck” plugin-window
Camera Raw
- Removed support for Camera Raw. Please read more about the decision here.
- Updated the Twitch plugin that is part of the installer to the same version that is available on the Loupedeck Marketplace
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that caused Loupedeck to crash at startup while checking for software and firmware updates
- Fixed a bug in the icon editor which caused the undo button to only undo any changes to the text in the editor
- Made it easier to rename a profile by extending the active renaming field
- Fixed the issue that caused some of the adjustments assigned to touch buttons become unresponsive if Loupedeck was not the active window
- Fixed a bug that caused devices to lose login information to Twitch and Chroma after shutting down the computer
- Fixed the issue that sometimes caused the profile adjustment not to render correctly on a touchscreen button
- Fixed the issue that caused the dial action icon to go missing
- Fixed the bug that caused “Open File” action to render the screen blank on windows
- Added translations to Device Actions folder namings
- Fixed the issue where adding a new application profile would end up in seeing an error screen
- Fixed the bug that caused a copy-pasted folder to be pasted in two different folder locations at the same time
- Enabled a multi-state action to be added into a macro action
- Fixed the issue where copy-pasting a profile action folder fails
- Wrong plugin version was shown in the add-on manager (for the pre-installed plugins)
- Fixed an issue where the Loupedeck application kept logging on macOS even when logging was disabled.
- Fixed an issue where the “Open Application” custom action and “Add Application” in the profile menu did not show the complete list of running applications.
CT (Creative Tool)
- Fixed the issue that caused MIDI to get disabled when the internal flash drive was enabled in the settings.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Adjustment Layers to not respond
- Fixed the issue that caused the Liquify filter to not launch
- Fixed the issue that activated the "Vanishing Point" filter instead of “Camera Raw Filter.."
- Fixed the bug that caused "Brush Opacity” and other parameters to not reset correctly
- Adding text to a GIF Icon is restricted in some custom action types.
- macOS: In cases where two versions of a supported application are installed, the non-active version may start when Loupedeck uses press actions.
- Loupedeck+ may not wake up after sleep mode in some circumstances.
- Loupedeck does not recognize Live2D and LibreOffice apps with custom profiles.
- Loupedeck Live devices occasionally remain active while screens are locked in Windows OS.
- Developers may experience difficulty signing into the cloud environment.
- No translation is available for the "no internet connection" notification in Marketplace, regardless of language.
- Transparent icons or icons with a black background appear gray on a black background instead of blending in on the CT wheel.
- Profile changes in the task bar menu do not always reflect the active application in the UI.
- Custom Groups can only be deleted when they are empty of actions.
Custom Adjustments
- The "Optional action before" adjustment cannot be removed. A workaround is to change the action type to "Run" and then back to "Shortcut".
Ableton Live
- Plugin support for Ableton Live 10 must be manually installed from the Loupedeck Support pages.
- The dynamic page "Clip Launch Mode" scales incorrectly on Live S - console.
- Dynamic modes are disabled for devices that cannot support them.
After Effects
- Some shortcut actions do not work when After Effects is installed in a language other than English.
- After Effects 2022 displays an "Easy Cheese" error on Windows. After closing the popup, most adjustments work normally except for a few from the "General" action group. As a workaround, corresponding adjustments from the "Transport" action group can be used.
- Multiple Loupedeck control surfaces can be seen in settings. (See Troubleshooting article for more information).
Capture One
- Some icons, such as "Set Rating," are not shown.
- Loupedeck+ / Loupedeck Original: Control Dial / Crop does not work.
- The Brush tool does not open when the action is used (affects Windows users).
- The Crop Tool does not initiate when the action is used (affects Windows users).
Final Cut Pro
- Localization (translation of action names) is temporarily disabled.
- Note that not all CommandPost plugin actions are compatible with Loupedeck+.
- For shortcut actions that include the Shift key, Shift is not always executed, mainly affecting the selection of "Tools".
- Illustrator 2022 or higher is not supported on M1 Mac (support will be added in the next release).
Lightroom Classic
- Pressing the Home button in masking-submode returns to the library instead of the Develop mode.
- Some brush parameters are missing from the action list.
- "Activate Crop Tool by Rotation" has inconsistent behavior.
- Filtering actions are affected on CT/Live if the legacy "--/Col" toggle-action is used on Loupedeck+.
- Some Masking actions are visible in the action panel when develop workspaces are active. These actions only work within the Masking submode.
- The Tools folder is incorrectly named as "Tools Menu".
- The Viewer Count widget does not refactor sending keyboard shortcuts and keyboard modifiers.
OBS Studio
- Windows: If OBS Studio is restarted a few seconds after having closed it, the Loupedeck will not connect as it has not finished disconnecting from the previous instance (5.0.3).
- Changing scene collections has a chance to break functionality.
Philips Hue
- When using the Control Center, the following actions might disappear right after they have been used: Brightness, Hue, Color Temperature.
- Long Press does not function.
- LIVE S: Color Temperature adjustment is not available in Control Centers.
- Dynamic pages cannot be added using the new UI.
- Loupedeck+ and Loupedeck Original: None of the main dials are working.
Photoshop (Camera Raw)
- Support for Camera Raw has been suspended for now. Please read more about the decision here.
Premiere Pro
- On versions older than 14.0, Run Script Error messages constantly show, preventing the use of Loupedeck. This is not an issue with later versions of Premiere Pro. (See Troubleshooting article for more info).
Spotify Premium
- For some users, adjusting volume shows the error message "Cannot adjust volume, no active playback device." Sign out from Spotify-linking and sign back in to resolve.
- Dynamic control centers (input switcher, audio mixer, etc.) might not recognize new inputs introduced during a session. Restarting the Loupedeck software resolves the issue.
- Some of the dynamic control centers do not scale correctly on Live S streaming console touch buttons.
- Dynamic control centers are disabled for devices that cannot support them.