Working with Loupedeck+ & Lightroom

Even though it’s quite easy to understand what the buttons, dials, and scrolling wheels on Loupedeck+ do, here's a checklist in case you want to check a function.

NOTE! This article follows the default profile of Loupedeck+ for Lightroom Classic. All dials and buttons are customizable and therefor your own profile might be different.


  1. Custom mode activates a 2nd layer of functions (Custom Mode Workspace)
  2. Toggles image between the Color and Black/White tones and activates B&W adjustment scrolls (4)
  3. Hue, Sat(uration) and Lum(inosity) buttons activate corresponding scroll adjustments (4)
  4. Separate color channel adjustments (activated by Hue, Sat and Lum buttons)
    • Turn/rotate to adjust
    • Press to reset the values
    • Continuous rotation
  5. Configurable preset buttons
  6. Compare the “before” and “after” states of your photo
    • Different types of Before/After modes can be assigned by using Loupedeck software
  7. Choose your Screen Mode (for example full screen editing)
  8. Export the photo/photos that you have selected in the filmstrip
    • Remember to assign your own personal Export Presets to normal and FN-level!
  9. Whitebalance and saturation adjustment dials
    • Turn/rotate to adjust
    • Press to reset the values
    • Continuous rotation
  10. Navigation buttons
  11. Basic dials
    • Turn/rotate to adjust
    • Press to reset the values
    • Continuous rotation
  12. Customizable C1-C6 buttons and D1-D2 dials.
    1. Assign actions or adjustments that support your workflow
  13. Additional functions button (activates secondary controls: keep FN pressed down and press some other button or rotate a dial)
  14. Filter photos by ratings or color labels and toggle between the rating and color label or activate the Keyboard Modifiers mode (FN + --/Col)
  15. Control Dial for controlling multiple different functions, like brush and crop tool
16. Customizable L1, L2 and L3 buttons