Release Notes 5.4

64bit builds: ( Windows 10 and later and ( macOS 10.14 or later.

This update includes support for Loupedeck+ console (beta), updated icon editor, Lightroom clipping mask functions, lots of other new features, bug fixes and minor usability and service enhancements.


Hardware Support (UI v.5)   

  • Loupedeck CT 
  • Loupedeck Live 
  • Loupedeck Live S 
  • Razer Stream Controller 
  • Loupedeck+ (Beta)

Software Support (macOS & Windows) 

  • Ableton Live 11 
  • Adobe After Effects 
  • Adobe Audition 
  • Adobe Lightroom Classic 
  • Adobe Illustrator 
  • Adobe Photoshop 2022 
  • Camera Raw (only Photoshop) 
  • Adobe Premiere Pro (2021 or newer) 
  • Capture One 
  • Spotify Premium 
  • OBS Studio (v28.0 or later) 
  • Philips Hue (Bridge) 

Software Support (macOS only) 

  • Final Cut Pro  
  • MacOS 

Software Support (Windows only) 

  • Streamlabs (v0.20 or later) 
  • Windows 
  • vMix 

Improvements (General)



  • Loupedeck+ has been integrated to use the new UI and Loupedeck system structure
  • Old “Loupedeck+ layouts” are upgraded to new .LP5 profile format
  • All supported plugins and applications are available for Loupedeck+
  • Two fully customizable workspaces (Main workspace and Custom Mode workspace)
  • Hue, Sat, Lum, B&W and --/Col buttons can be assigned with an action
    • Buttons will change (Scroll or Rating) pages but will also launch the assigned action.
    • NOTE! As control card does not open for aforesaid buttons, mapped actions cannot be removed via Loupedeck UI (feature will be added later).
  • Custom Actions are available (create your own shortcuts, macros, sounds)
  • Hue, Sat, Lum and B&W scrolls are added with FN-level (which was not present in prior versions)


  • Old (v.2) UI has been removed from Loupedeck software (Loupedeck+ has been added to current UI)
    • Aurora HDR support has been seized along with the legacy software
  •  Loupedeck original support has been dropped
  • 24bit image support in service (e.g., better icon rendering on device)
  • Ability to assign dial adjustments to a touch button
  • Improvements on sending daily-usage telemetry


  • When mouse is hovered over an action (within the action panel), an informative text is shown on the device area how to map actions to the device
  • Undo & Redo buttons added to the device view (bottom left corner)
  • Last used icon set is automatically shown when entering icon library
  • Plugin error indicator is displayed over every action if plugin is inoperative (or in error state)
  • An orange indicator is shown in the action panel if a plugin update is available
  • Hover text updated for press and rotate filters (next to search area)
  • “Stored Device Actions” group for controlling Loupedeck device behavior, such as: navigational actions, e.g., Switch to Profile, Navigation between pages, Dynamic Mode on/off, etc.
  • Visual improvements on action panel: separator lines now clearer
  • Improved UX for adding applications to the profile list:
  •  “Add Application” button is located after the profile listing
  • If no applications are visible on the list, a guiding text/link appears to the profile drop-down list
  • Default action panel width is no wider (current users can adjust the width normally)
  •  Changed the placeholder text in the dial actions in the device view to say “drag action here”
  • Removed the redundant Plus-symbols in the profile application menu
  • Added hover texts to touch buttons to instruct if no action has been assigned
  • When no applications and/ or application profiles are added, the profile menu will instruct to select applications.

Icon editor updates

  • Ability to add text to the icon area (by default: prefilled with the action name)
  • Ability to change text position Ability to change text color
  • Ability to select background color for icon area
  • Ability to set button’s LED color within icon editor
  • Hover texts for Icon Editor elements


  • Numpad layout has been improved for Loupedeck Live S
  • Swiping up and down dial pages temporarily show assigned dials
  •  Currently inaccessible actions are dimmed on the device touch buttons
  •  LED Color can now be changed on the CT rectangle buttons
  • Auto-repeat/Long press function available for actions such as volume, when using adjustments as control centers

Actions and Adjustments

  • Switch between profiles-action is now available
  • Assigned actions do not have a purple stripe on touch buttons by default anymore
  • Repeat by press-down/long-press is now possible (e.g. adjusting volume from a button)
  • Action can also be assigned by dragging from the header or icon of the action editor
  • Dial Adjustments can be assigned to touch buttons (it will create a control center having increase, decrease (and possibly reset) actions for adjusting the dial adjustment from buttons).
  • Dynamic mode on/off – device action can now be customized as a multi-state action with two icons
  • Newly created actions are now placed on the top of the file/folder list

Custom Action updates

  • Custom Actions have updated default icons
  • Multi-action form has been updated with better UX (e.g., new layout)
  • New custom actions will have a default icon with action title, instead of plain text
  • AppleScript action is now a custom action (previously a system action)
  • Macro has been renamed to 'Multi-action (macro)'
  • Shortcut – custom action has been renamed to 'Keyboard Shortcut' and the user can now also choose keypresses from a dropdown menu
  • Ability to create sub-folders within the Custom action’s list


  • Initial support for plugin configuration via UI - Action Settings
  • Multi-State Plugin Actions
  • Improved support for Plugin localization in SDK
  • Plugin login to external Online Services
  • Deeplinks for SDK plugins
  • Improved logging support for Plugins
  • Device restrictions removed from 3rd party plugins (unless otherwise stated)
  • Added SDK support for Loupedeck+ (beta)
  • Plugin Tool: improved Mac support for the template project

Improvements (Plugin)

Capture One

  • Plugin updated to non-admin (un)installation
  • New default profile for Loupedeck+

Lightroom Classic

  •  Action Panel cleanup: All Export and Develop presets are now in subfolders under Export Presets and Develop Presets main folders
  • Brush, Linear Gradient and Radial Gradient are now directly available from develop mode
  • Objects, Subjects, People (activation only), Sky and Background functions added to Masking Sub mode action list
  • Clipping Mask dial adjustments are now available (basic panel\clipping\)
  •  New default profile for Loupedeck+

OBS Studio

New OBS plugin will be soon available at the Loupedeck Marketplace. New version will include easier setting up and multi-state actions, that support multiple icons.

  • Ability to define corresponding scene collection while creating a new action


  • Multilevel folder actions have been enabled to MIDI Plugin actions and adjustments


Bug Fixes (General)

  • Fixed an error in the ordering of the action folders in the action panel
  • Fixed a bug that caused getting empty results for search filtering the desktop actions
  • Fixed an issue that caused the adjustment action editor layout to appear too small


  •  Fixed a bug that prevented profile actions being created inside of a folder
  • Fixed an issue that caused the “open application” dropdown to open to the wrong direction
  • Fixed a bug that caused the UI to always show CT on startup when no device is connected.
  • Main profile can now be imported between different operating systems
  • The default zoom level when pressing on the zoom level percentage is now set to 100%
  • The gap between the top bar and action panel has been decreased
  • Folder appears before actions
  • User is now able to create folder-tree structure up to 5 levels
  • Clock icon on Wheel-page editor is now visible
  • Action from round button can now be re-assigned to dial press
  • Settings button resize issue no longer exists
  • (In profile-type actions) folders are now listed before actions (within the action panel)

Actions & Action Editor

  • Added action descriptions to the most used actions in the UI
  • Fixed a bug that caused a renamed action to revert to its previous name
  • Fixed a bug that prevented from seeing the custom action name when it was assigned into a dial adjustment
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Custom Action folders with only adjustments to be copy pasted.
  • Fixed an issue, which prevented changing the action’s name from the three-dot menu
  • Fixed a bug that caused adjustment names go missing on the CT Wheel Page
  • Fixed a bug that caused the adjustment name to duplicate itself onto the next adjustment on the action list
  • In some cases, Action Editor blocked the lower part of the action list
  • In some cases, profile-type action could not be deleted
  • Icon editor rotated icons to opposite directions
  • Multi-Action: Volume slider in sound-template was too small if action panel width was reduced
  • Multi-Action: When an Action, or Custom Action Type was dragged over an action-slot – nothing happened (instead of action-slot being populated by the action in question)
  • .GIF icons are now animated in multi-state actions
  • ‘Activate: Loupedeck’ action’s icon has been fixed
  • Action editor did not have enough right-side margin when editing AppleScript actions

System & Device

  • Fixed the Bell widget that continued playing after trigger was stopped
  • Fixed a bug that prevented preinstalled plugins from being updated in the asset manager
  • Fixed a cache error that caused new icons to not update on the device correctly
  • Fixed an issue that caused the task bar menu not to refresh changes
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Live/CT device dial pages from being swiped successfully
  • Fixed a bug that caused some animated Gifs not to animate on the device
  • Fixed an unnecessary uninstallation error that appeared while uninstalling sound packs
  • Button LED did not update for multi-state macros
  • Control Centers can now utilize all buttons on Loupedeck Live S device
  • Long press on Loupedeck Live S home-button did not switch to main profile
  • In some cases, swapping actions between round buttons did not happen correctly
  • Active page was not indicated correctly on round or square buttons
  • In some cases, long dial-press caused top-left encoder-icon to disappear
  • Pressing Undo caused device to navigate to 1st page
  • Mouse Pad wheel image was broken


  • Failed marketplace installations outcomes are now correctly reported to the user


  • (MacOS): In some cases SDK Plugin Tool tried to launch (windows specific) ‘Loupedeck2.exe’ - not ‘Loupedeck2.exe’ is not referred at all on macOS environment.
  • SDK Plugin tool installation no longer fails on macOS
  • Device no longer jumps to 1st page when EncoderActionNamesChanged() method is called.

Bug Fixes (Plugin)


  • In some cases Loupedeck software did not start after it was closed (software “flashed” but did not start)


  • Now possible to add an icon to source

Lightroom Classic

  • Lightroom default profile for Live S had two Rating-workspaces
  •  (MacOS) ‘Copy Develop Settings’ copied also masking information
  • Temperature Wheel Widget was missing
  • In some cases, created workspace went under the active mode instead of the one selected by user.

After Effects

  •  Adjustments in ‘General’ group are now functioning in AE 2023
  • In some cases, an “Ease_Chees error” popped up at AE startup (windows only)


  • Any action (in any plugin) with ‘Spotify’ in the action-name, were added to Spotify Premium’s action list.
  • In some cases, 3-5 second delay occurred before volume level changed

Known Issues 


  • MacOS: In cases where two versions of a supported application are installed, the non-active version may start when Loupedeck uses press actions.   
  • macOS: keyboard control center does not function correctly when Loupedeck software is out of focus
  • In some circumstances Loupedeck+ may not wake up after (OS) sleep mode   
  • Live2D and LibreOffice apps with custom profiles are not recognized by Loupedeck 
  • Occasionally, Loupedeck Live devices remain active while locked screens are locked (Win OS) 
  • Developers may not be able to sign in to the cloud environment 
  • No translation is available for Marketplace's "no internet connection" notification (in any language). 
  • Using Search doesn’t highlight the “Custom” tab even if “Custom” contains search hits in the Stored Custom Actions folder 
  • Transparent icons, or icons with black background, don’t blend in on the CT wheel but appear grey on black background 
  • When Loupedeck+ or Loupedeck Original are connected, access to the UI is not possible 
  • In the UI, profile changes in the task bar menu do not always reflect the active application 
  • Custom Groups can only be deleted when they are empty of actions
  • --/Col, Hue, Sat, Lum and B&W buttons can be assigned with an action, but action cannot be removed as control card does not open (design-fix coming later).

Custom Adjustments 

  • "Optional action before" adjustment cannot be removed. The workaround is to change the action type to e.g., "Run" and then back to "Shortcut" 

Ableton Live 

  • Plugin support for Ableton Live 10 must be installed manually from the Loupedeck Support pages.  
  • Dynamic page: “Clip Launch Mode” scales incorrectly on Live S – console
  • Dynamic pages are disabled for devices that cannot support them

After Effects 

  • Some shortcut actions do not work with After Effects being installed in different language than English 
  • After Effects 2022 is displaying “Easy Cheese” error on Windows. After Effects is working normally after closing the popup with the exception of few adjustments from “General” action group.  
    Not working adjustments on Windows with AE 2022 are: Opacity, Rotate, Scale, Move. As a workaround the corresponding adjustments from “Transport” action group can be used. 


  • Multiple Loupedeck control surfaces can be seen in settings. (See Troubleshooting article for more information). 

Capture One 

  • Some icons are not shown (e.g., Set Rating)  
  • Loupedeck+ / Loupedeck Original: Control Dial / Crop does not work  
  • Brush tool is not opened when the action is used (affects windows users) 
  • Crop Tool does not initiate when action is used (affects windows users) 

Final Cut Pro

  • Localization (translation of action names) is temporarily disabled 


  • For shortcut actions that include Shift key, Shift is not always executed. It affects mainly the selection of “Tools”. 
  • Illustrator 2022 or higher is not supported on M1 Mac. Fix will be introduced in the next updates.

Lightroom Classic 

  • Pressing Home button in masking-submode returns to library instead of Develop-mode
  • Some brush parameters are missing from the action list  
  • ‘Activate Crop Tool by Rotation’ has inconsistent behaviour  
  • Color label actions are not assigned on Loupedeck+ (fix will become later)
  • Filtering actions are affected on CT/Live if legacy ‘--/Col’ toggle-action is used on Loupedeck+.
  • Actions from Keyboard group do not work
  • Some Masking actions are visible in the action panel (when develop workspaces are active) - those actions only work within Masking submode.
  • Tools-folder is incorrectly named (should be ‘Tools Menu’).


  • Viewer Count – widget may not function correctly

OBS Studio 

  • macOS: The OBS Plugin is not compatible with OBS 28.0.3 and mac M1 – users. Fix will be provided in the next releases.
  • Windows: If OBS Studio is restarted a few seconds after having closed it the Loupedeck will not connect as it has not finished disconnecting from the previous instance (5.0.3) 
  • Changing scene collections has a chance to break functionality 
  • Icons might not get updated on Loupedeck boot 

Philips Hue 

  • When using the Control Center, the following actions might disappear right after they have been used: Brightness, Hue, Color Temperature 
  • Long Press does not function 
  • LIVE S: Color Temperature adjustment not available in Control Centers 


  • Dynamic pages cannot be added using the new UI  
  • Loupedeck+, Loupedeck Original: None of the main dials are working 
  • (Dials work in Camera Raw)  
  • ACR Tools cannot be closed (lack of API support from Photoshop) 

Photoshop (Camera Raw)  

  • Color Grading is not functioning  
  • Zoom-out zooms-in if Finnish language/keyboard is selected  
  • Adjusting Grain amount is not functioning 
  • Closing a tool by pressing on the icon is not functioning 

Premiere Pro 

  • On version older than 14.0, Run Script Error messages shows constantly preventing use of Loupedeck. This is not an issue with later versions of Premiere Pro. 
  • (Troubleshooting article for more info) 
  • Auto tone action might not work on all Premiere Pro versions

Spotify Premium 

  • For some users: “Cannot adjust volume, no active playback device” 
    • Sign out from Spotify-linking and sign back in 


  • Dynamic control centers (input switcher, audio mixer etc.) might not recognize new inputs that are introduced during a session. Restarting the Loupedeck software resolves the issue. 
  • Some of the dynamic control centers do not scale correctly on Live S streaming console touch buttons. 
  • Dynamic control centers are disabled for devices that cannot support them