64bit builds: ( Windows 10 and ( macOS 10.14 or later.
This release introduces the Loupedeck Marketplace for browsing and installing plugins and other content, as well as a new Plugins and Assets - manager and plenty of other small improvements, features and fixes.
Hardware Support (UI v.5)
- Loupedeck CT [CT]
- Loupedeck Live [Lv]
Hardware Support (UI v.2)
- Loupedeck+ [LD+]
- Loupedeck Original [LD]
Software Support (MacOS & Windows)
- Ableton Live 10 [CT, Lv]
- Adobe After Effects [LD+, CT, Lv]
- Adobe Audition [LD+, CT, Lv]
- Adobe Lightroom Classic [All devices]
- Adobe Illustrator [CT, Lv]
- Adobe Photoshop 2022 [All devices]
- Camera Raw (only Photoshop) [All devices]
- Adobe Premiere Pro (2021 or newer) [LD+, CT, Lv]
- Capture One [All devices]
- Skylum Aurora HDR (v.1.2 or newer) [LD+, LD]
- Spotify Premium [CT, Lv]
- OBS Studio (v26.0 or later) [CT, Lv]
- Philips Hue (Bridge) [CT, Lv]
Software Support (MacOS only)
- Final Cut Pro (MacOS) [LD+, CT, Lv]
- MacOS [CT, Lv]
Software Support (Windows only)
- Streamlabs OBS (v0.20 or later) [CT, Lv]
- Windows [CT, Lv]
- vMix [CT, Lv]
Improvements (General):
Marketplace (New Feature!)
- Marketplace for browsing and installing plugins and other assets (profiles, icons..)
- A lot of new content available via Marketplace
- HTTPS support for downloading packages
- Icon packs provided (by default) via installing Loupedeck software are now included in the Marketplace
- Marketplace (also) opens when clicking “Find More Profiles” from the profiles drop-down menu
- UI supports animated icons (GIFs)
- The Scroll-bar in the action panel is now thicker for better usability
- New profile format version (.LP5).
- Previous profile versions can be imported (and will be auto-updated).
- Plugin & Assets manager for managing plugins and other content
- Dynamic activation is hidden when there are no supported applications
- System Profile is now called Main Profile
- Home workspace is now indicated with home-icon (workspace drop-down menu)
- Loupedeck software top-bar has been updated with a dark theme window controls
- Profile and Plugin settings window for easier managing
- New Copy and Paste icons for win/mac
- Firmware up to date message in settings clarified
- Action editor is now closed when new profile is imported
- A notification modal has been added when uninstalling an icon pack
- While hovering over actions in action panel: Identical tool tips to the action names are no longer shown
- Enter and Esc are now more consistently applied in UI modals and menus
- User login is now browser-based
- Login opens as a tab in existing browser, or
- A browser is opened (behind the UI).
- Update Loupedeck data handling (URI schema) for more fluent user experience
- Plugin status is now presented in real time
- Loupedeck device manager update for better user experience (class wrappers added)
- Login/logout now supports asynchronous events
- Icon packs upon installation have been updated
- Improvements to the Plugin SDK 4
- Loupedeck Service Start-up splash screen has been removed
- Screen framerate has been increased for more fluent animation support
- Installing local assets (icon packs, plugins, etc) by double-clicking the file
Actions and Adjustments
- LED-button brightness adjustment (Loupedeck Live and CT)
- Device Backlight adjustment (Loupedeck Live and CT)
- Dynamic Mode On/Off -action
- Open Application custom action type (“Run custom action” still works)
- Empty rows can be added to “Text” custom action (by pressing Shift+Enter)
- Icon can be added directly while creating a new custom action
Improvements (Plugin)
Capture One
- Capture One plugin detects new Capture One versions: Loupedeck software does not need to be updated to a new version when new Capture One is released
- Stroke and Fill Color can now be adjusted also in CMYK color space (for CT only)
- 2 new menu commands have been added to open/close the “Comments” and “3D and Materials” panels (introduced in Illustrator 2022)
- Upgraded some icons
OBS Studio
- Updated connection logic for a stabler connection.
- Renamed reset audio actions to mute audio
- Loupedeck plugin modal’s title updated to “Connect Loupedeck” (instead of Loupedeck Info)
Premiere Pro
- Loupedeck recognizes gaps which was required to be able to add a "Crop" effect to clips located anywhere on the timeline
- 2 new actions (introduced in Premiere Pro 2022) added: “Restore Trim Selection" and "Simplify Sequence"
- Toggle record action has now a timer
- When toggling an action, the button text color changes
- Audio Mute is a new profile action
- Software name change – all “OBS” mentions are removed from the plugin
- Update scenes (also) in Loupedeck software after renaming them in Streamlabs
- Twitch API has been updated to the latest one
Bug Fixes (General)
- In some cases, the device was unresponsive when Loupedeck UI was in focus
- Device lost sync with the UI after dynamically switching profiles
- Fixed an inconsistency when switching pages from the device
- Action before rotation is now executed normally
- Removing any plugin from a profile no longer causes unrelated actions to disappear from the mapped device
- UI’s relative panel size stays the same when zooming in and out
- Control Centers now have orange color also in the older UI version
- Both actions remain when swapping places on round buttons (instead of the other action disappearing)
- Wheel rotation now works normally when an adjustment is restored via undo
- Changed icons are now also updated to the wheel (CT)
- In some cases, actions were not assigned (to buttons) correctly
- Fixes spelling mistakes from the UI and added a missing word for Custom Adjustment
- Removed unnecessary confirmation dialogue when saving custom and MIDI actions
- Fix a bug that prevented custom actions from being deleted
- Streamlined profile import by allowing the use of “OK” immediately after the app is found in the import dialogue
- Fixed a bug in renaming custom adjustment
- Loupedeck software window kept on running after user click "Stop Loupedeck"
- Wheel page list was not refreshed properly after deleting a wheel page
- Custom group was still visible after being deleted
- Custom group could not be deleted if it contained action(s)
- Imported profile from other OS did not show/execute correct keyboard-modifiers in custom actions
- Plugin status was not updated correctly on plugin settings page
- “Generic Plugin” is no longer visible on the asset manager (as being unnecessary)
- A Copy/Paste was performed on assigned actions instead of Cut/Paste
- In some cases, renaming a custom action created a new group
- Dial strip did not refresh (to show text) if an icon was deleted from an assigned adjustment.
- Custom action for “=” character did not work correctly (macOS).
- Double-clicking a (3rd party) plugin file did not start plugin-installation correctly
- In some cases, application drop-down was empty for Loupedeck+ / Loupedeck Original
- In some rare cases, Loupedeck Live has been identified as Loupedeck CT
- Language selection in task bar menu is now aligned with UI settings.
- Aurora HDR is no longer visible on the profile drop-down menu for Loupedeck Live or CT (as the plugin is not supported by either device)
- Enable plugin that was disabled after crash
- Service no longer refuses to start (on edge cases)
- Service (Win) no longer shuts down because of Bluetooth exception
- Non-existing modes do not appear (when creating new workspaces in custom profiles)
- Device now starts to a correct profile if dynamic mode is ‘off’
- Run custom command works now more fluently
- Background color of modified icons is now black instead of dark grey
- Icons are now included when copy/pasting custom actions
- Delay command in Macro was not working with plugin actions
- Plugin settings were not saved correctly
- Overlay did not work on MacOS(5.1 Beta version)
- After (macOS) sleep, Loupedeck service started two times (two icons at system bar)
- Commands in macro (custom action) were executed in parallel (not as a series)
- Troubleshooting for Twitch-plugin is now more stable
Custom Actions
- Symbols are now recorded correctly with the US keyboard layout
- Macro (e.g., for launching a webpage, but) starting with a delay can now be saved
- Command-rows in macro can now be deleted
- Windows key can be sent (as a shortcut)
- “Windows + R” key combination can be recorded as shortcut if R is pressed first
- Device disconnected is no longer shown on the first UI startup
- Fixed a bug that caused the Loupedeck software to quit after a while
Bug Fixes (Plugin)
After Effects
- Icons for “Selection tool” and “Rotate tool” are back
Ableton Live
- Fixed a bug in which the Workspace names were left empty when creating a new workspace in the default Ableton profile
- Fixed a bug that caused a “winerror 10035” – message to some users
- Fixed a bug that caused the Clip Launch Mode content to go missing
- Fixed the Browser Wheel Tool
Final Cut Pro
- Dials work correctly when South Africa region is chosen
Lightroom Classic
- White Balance value "as shot" is now copied and pasted normally
- Global Grading adjustments now work normally when on “Deutsch” environment
- Color Grading adjustments are now operational on Loupedeck+ / Loupedeck Original
- Copying develop settings disregarded "As Shot" value for White balance / Tint
Spotify Premium
- Spotify Service should no longer be unavailable
- User was not able to create and use a custom action in Twitch
OBS Studio
- Fixed a bug causing Loupedeck software to crash when working with OBS
- Fixed a bug that caused Loupedeck to freeze when working with sources in OBS
- Fixed a bug showing a faulty notification when OBS was not running
- Fixed a bug causing the OBS plugin to crash when working with profile actions
- Fixed a bug causing the OBS plugin not to load on occasion
- Fixed a bug on MacOS where UI would state OBS is not installed while OBS was Running
- Fixed a bug where changing scene collection could result in actions not working.
- Fixed a bug where newly added content in OBS would not be visible in the Loupedeck UI
- Fixed a bug that caused layer properties not to start
Premiere Pro
- “Select Look” adjustment selects Looks in “Looks” dropdown list again
- actions from the “(Direct) Transport” action group are responsive again
- Loupedeck does not stop working after closing and reopening a project
- Fixed a bug which caused the plugin to crash when creating a new profile action
- Fixed a bug where sources of the same name will be synced to action
- Fixed a bug which forced any new MIDI dial adjustments to get stuck or work in one direction only.
- Standardized the spelling of the word MIDI in the UI
- Added the MIDI notes from 0 to 20.
Known issues
- MacOS: If two versions of the same supported application are installed, the non-active version may start when using press actions from Loupedeck.
- In some circumstances Loupedeck+ may not wake up after (OS) sleep mode
- LibreOffice apps with custom profiles not recognized by Loupedeck
- Loupedeck Live device is sometimes active while screen is locked (Win OS)
- Developers cannot always sign into the cloud environment
- After selecting a profile in the UI, correct workspace button is not highlighted
Custom Adjustments
- "Optional action before" adjustment cannot be removed. The workaround is to change the action type to e.g., "Run" and then back to "Shortcut"
Ableton Live
- Plugin support for Ableton Live 10 must be installed manually from the Loupedeck Support pages.
After Effects
- Some shortcut actions do not work with a non-English keyboard layout due to the physically different key location
- Multiple Loupedeck control surfaces can be seen (bug in Audition).
(Troubleshooting article for more information).
Capture One
- Some icons are not shown (e.g., Set Rating)
- Loupedeck+ / Loupedeck Original: Control Dial / Crop does not work
- Brush tool is not opened when the action is used (affects windows users)
- Crop Tool does not initiate when action is used (affects windows users)
Final Cut Pro
- Localization (translation of action names) is temporarily disabled
Lightroom Classic
- Masking workspace is empty for old profiles (article on how to fix)
- Pressing Home button in masking does not return to develop mode
- Some brush parameters are missing from the action list
- ‘Activate Crop Tool by Rotation’ has inconsistent behavior
- Filtering actions are affected on CT/Live if Rating/Col. button has been pressed on Loupedeck+
- Viewer Count – widget does not work
OBS Studio
- Windows: If OBS Studio is restarted a few seconds after having closed it the Loupedeck will not connect as it has not finished disconnecting from the previous instance (5.0.3)
- Changing scene collections has a chance to break functionality
- Icons might not get updated on Loupedeck boot
Philips Hue
- When using the Control Center, the following actions might disappear right after they have been used: Brightness, Hue, Color Temperature
- Long Press does not function
- Dynamic pages cannot be added using the new UI
- Loupedeck+, Loupedeck Original: None of the main dials are working
(Dials work in Camera Raw)
Photoshop (Camera Raw)
- Color Grading is not functioning
- Zoom-out zooms-in if Finnish language/keyboard is selected
- Adjusting Grain amount is not functioning
- Closing a tool by pressing on the icon is not functioning
Premiere Pro
- On version older than 14.0, Run Script Error messages shows constantly preventing use of Loupedeck. This is not an issue with later versions of Premiere Pro.
(Troubleshooting article for more info)
Spotify Premium
- 'Devices' action is missing an icon
- Spotify Service is sometimes unavailable after service disconnects
- Dynamic control centers (input switcher, audio mixer etc.) might not recognize new inputs that are introduced during a session. Restarting the Loupedeck software resolves issue.