64bit builds: ( Windows 10 and later and ( macOS 10.14 or later. This update includes bug fixes and minor enhancements.
Hardware Support (UI v.5)
- Loupedeck CT
- Loupedeck Live
- Loupedeck Live S
- Razer Stream Controller
Software Support (macOS & Windows)
- Ableton Live 11
- Adobe After Effects
- Adobe Audition
- Adobe Lightroom Classic
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe Photoshop 2022
- Camera Raw (only Photoshop)
- Adobe Premiere Pro (2021 or newer)
- Capture One
- Spotify Premium
- OBS Studio (v28.0 or later)
- Philips Hue (Bridge)
Software Support (macOS only)
- Final Cut Pro
- MacOS
Software Support (Windows only)
- Streamlabs (v0.20 or later)
- Windows
- vMix
Improvements (General)
- Adjusted the color of actions for Razer devices to match their branding
- The content of the onboarding wizard has been localized
Improvements (Plugin)
After Effects
- After Effects plugin has been updated to latest SDK and support for M1 Mac has been added
Bug Fixes (General)
- Fixed a bug that prevented users from adding press actions directly on the dial press
- Fixed an issue that prevented the dial strip on Loupedeck Live & CT from updating the name of the adjustment, if it was created without an icon
- Added a fix for Live S to show icons completely instead of cutting top part off
- Fixed the positioning of the dial actions in the Windows Default profile for Loupedeck CT
- Added a warning to the installer that in the event of uninstallation it will request the user to close any applications that might interfere with the process
- Improved and streamlined telemetry data collection
- Fixed the Spotify Plugin verification in the SDK Plugin tool
- Fixed an issue that caused an error message to appear if user switched the active device while using the marketplace
Known Issues
- MacOS: In cases where two versions of a supported application are installed, the non-active version may start when Loupedeck uses press actions.
- In some circumstances Loupedeck+ may not wake up after (OS) sleep mode
- Live2D and LibreOffice apps with custom profiles are not recognized by Loupedeck
- Occasionally, Loupedeck Live devices remain active while locked screens are locked (Win OS)
- Developers may not be able to sign in to the cloud environment
- No translation is available for Marketplace's "no internet connection" notification (in any language).
- Using Search doesn’t highlight the “Custom” tab even if “Custom” contains search hits in the Stored Custom Actions folder
- Transparent icons, or icons with black background, don’t blend in on the CT wheel but appear grey on black background
- When Loupedeck+ or Loupedeck Original are connected, access to the UI is not possible
- In the UI, profile changes in the task bar menu do not always reflect the active application
- Custom Groups can only be deleted when they are empty of actions
Custom Adjustments
- "Optional action before" adjustment cannot be removed. The workaround is to change the action type to e.g., "Run" and then back to "Shortcut"
Ableton Live
- Plugin support for Ableton Live 10 must be installed manually from the Loupedeck Support pages.
- “Clip Launch Mode” – control center scales incorrectly on Live S console
After Effects
- Some shortcut actions do not work with After Effects being installed in different language than English
- After Effects 2022 is displaying “Easy Cheese” error on Windows. After Effects is working normally after closing the popup with the exception of few adjustments from “General” action group.
Not working adjustments on Windows with AE 2022 are: Opacity, Rotate, Scale, Move. As a workaround the corresponding adjustments from “Transport” action group can be used.
- Multiple Loupedeck control surfaces can be seen (bug in Audition)
- (Troubleshooting article for more information).
Capture One
- Some icons are not shown (e.g., Set Rating)
- Loupedeck+ / Loupedeck Original: Control Dial / Crop does not work
- Brush tool is not opened when the action is used (affects windows users)
- Crop Tool does not initiate when action is used (affects windows users)
Final Cut Pro
- Localization (translation of action names) is temporarily disabled
- For shortcut actions that include Shift key, Shift is not always executed. It affects mainly the selection of “Tools”.
- Illustrator 2022 or higher is not supported on M1 Mac (support will be added in next release)
Lighroom Classic
- Masking workspace is empty for old profiles (article on how to fix)
- Pressing Home button in masking does not return to develop mode
- Some brush parameters are missing from the action list
- ‘Activate Crop Tool by Rotation’ has inconsistent behavior
- Filtering actions are affected on CT/Live if Rating/Col. button has been pressed on Loupedeck+
- Actions from Keyboard group do not work
- Viewer Count – widget does not work
OBS Studio
- Windows: If OBS Studio is restarted a few seconds after having closed it the Loupedeck will not connect as it has not finished disconnecting from the previous instance (5.0.3)
- Changing scene collections has a chance to break functionality
- Icons might not get updated on Loupedeck boot
Philips Hue
- When using the Control Center, the following actions might disappear right after they have been used: Brightness, Hue, Color Temperature
- Long Press does not function
- LIVE S: Color Temperature adjustment not available in Control Centers
- Dynamic pages cannot be added using the new UI
- Loupedeck+, Loupedeck Original: None of the main dials are working
- (Dials work in Camera Raw)
- ACR Tools cannot be closed (lack of API support from Photoshop)
Photoshop (Camera Raw)
- Color Grading is not functioning
- Zoom-out zooms-in if Finnish language/keyboard is selected
- Adjusting Grain amount is not functioning
- Closing a tool by pressing on the icon is not functioning
Premiere Pro
- On version older than 14.0, Run Script Error messages shows constantly preventing use of Loupedeck. This is not an issue with later versions of Premiere Pro.
- (Troubleshooting article for more info)
Spotify Premium
- For some users: “Cannot adjust volume, no active playback device”
- Sign out from Spotify linking and sign back in
- Dynamic control centers (input switcher, audio mixer etc.) might not recognize new inputs that are introduced during a session. Restarting the Loupedeck software resolves the issue.
- Some of the dynamic control centers do not scale correctly on Live S streaming console touch buttons.